Friday, December 29, 2006

Piatra Craiului - 27 decembrie 2006

Brasov - Zarnesti - Prapastiile Zarnestiului - Cabana Curmatura - Varful Ascutit

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Saint Bartholomew Church!

The oldest architectural building in Brasov is dating back in 1223. Has build after the plan of a roman basilica and later there where added some gothic elements. It’s a beautiful church, simple and quiet. Worth the visit!

The pictures are details of the church and the surrounding buildings.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


The first PhotoSession with the guys from DigiNews...
The result? A couple of, let's say, surreal images... Enjoy!

Monday, October 30, 2006

PhotoMaraton - Brasov 2006

A pretty challenging subject ... "Discover the City of Brasov". As much as I tried to stay away from the "Piata Sfatului" and the Black Church... I found myself forced to shoot in these locations for this Photo Maraton, just to complete the set of 6 pictures needed for this contest... It was a pretty dull day... grey clouds and almost no sun...

Anyway... no matter the result, it was a fun day... Hope you enjoy the Photos...

Prejmer and Harman Fortified Churches

A short Photo session around Brasov... with some 18th century churches as subjects.

Piatra Craiului

Even though we woke up pretty early for this sunrise... we arrived almost too late for that magic light... ohh well next time maybe...

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Toamna la Pestera

O zona care este deja consacrata ca una din cele mai frumoase locatii din tara, cu un adevarat renume printre multi fotografi, zona dintre Muntii Bucegi si Piatra Craiului este tot timpul un loc in care merita sa mergi, indiferent de vreme si perioada a anului.

Dupa o saptamana plina, o scurta plimbare pe dealurile din jurul satului Pestera a fost extrem de binevenita.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Ecaterina's Gate

The national College of Andrei Saguna

The jewish synagogue from Brasov.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The city of Oradea.
No more comments today :)

Friday, August 18, 2006

Sunset in Brasov...

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Piatra Craiului 23.07.2006
One of the best trips I've ever had!

We choose a very challenging and difficult path name "Valea Podurilor" but it was all worth while. Enjoy the photos!